Follow the money: ASPCA on pit bulls

Years ago it was discovered that the Animal Farm Foundation was giving shelters that adopted out pit bulls cash rewards. An “Adopt-A-Bull” contest in 2008 asked the question: “What better way to get the word out that pit bulls can indeed make loving and loyal, delightful and devoted companions?” The contest lacked key elements, however, the most important being safety.

The ASPCA has no obligation to share safety issues about pit bulls with the public. On their “Pit Bull Information” web page, they write: “Sadly, pit bulls have acquired a reputation as unpredictable, dangerous, and vicious.” Yet, spelled out in the ASPCA Shelter Guidelines — designed to protect shelter workers — are the unique risks attributed to pit bulls. One of them is that they “attack without warning,” which is equivalent to unpredictable behavior.


42 dogs rehomed by U.S. shelters and rescues have participated in killing 39 people since 2010 according to Animals 24-7. These dog breeds include: 30 pit bulls, 7 bullmastiffs, 3 rottweilers, a lab and a husky. Only 5 shelter dogs killed a person from 1988 through 2009. The numbers since 2010 are staggering and reflect the “reality” of modern sheltering — adopt out at all costs to keep euthanasia rates low.

No temperament assessment test, not even a “state-of-the-art” one, can measure unpredictable aggression. This is the risk every person accepts, knowingly or not, when adopting a pit bull, rottweiler or other dangerous breed.

There are many guidelines presented in the 19-page document (which appears to be a PowerPoint slide show), as well as a brief history of the pit bull and the results of selective breeding to achieve the “ultimate canine warrior” designation. Some of these results directly correlate to the safety guidelines, such as the pit bull’s genetic “unpredictability” (specifically when attacking), dog-aggression and high prey drive. We’ve listed a few of the guidelines below:

– There are “cases of experienced handlers who had developed good relationships with the dogs over a period of months still being attacked without warning or obvious provocation.”
– Pit bulls “ignore signs of submission from other dogs” and “give no warning prior to attack.” They add that this is “different than normal dog behavior.”
– “Today’s pit bulls” have multiple names including: “Staffordshire Terrier (AKC 1936), American Staffordshire Terrier (AKC 1972, Am Staff), American Pit Bull Terrier or Pit Bull Terrier.”
– “These dogs can be aggressive towards humans and more likely to cause fatal attacks to people than other fighting type dogs.”
– “Pit bulls will climb fences, chew up stainless steel food and water bowls, destroy copper tubing of automatic water systems and conventional cages, and attack other animals through chain link fences.”
– “Pit bulls can break through conventional cage doors and destroy typical epoxy paint on the floors and walls.”
“Pit bulls require special housing considerations” and “isolation from other animals if dog aggressive or have a high prey drive.”
– “Install a panic button in rooms housing pit bulls along with other restraint equipment in any room housing pit bulls.”

It seems unlikely that the ASPCA or shelters participating in the “Adopt-A-Bull Contest” will tell potential adopters to install a panic button in their home or that pit bulls attack without warning.

Courtesy of

For the complete presentation of ASPCA shelter guidelines:

For more information of shelter dog mayhem visit Animals 24-7:

To read up on the Animal Farm Foundation whose tagline is: “Securing equal treatment and opportunity for ‘pit bull type’ dogs” visit Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education & Awareness:


The bloodbath continues –


RIP poor little dog


Letter to the editor: DOG ATTACKS ARE NOT NORMAL

Child victims of pit bull attacks

Innocent victims disfigured for life

Young people tend to imagine that dog attack violence is normal, because they never knew a time when it was not.

From 1930 to 1960, the U.S. averaged fewer than one fatal dog attack per year, yet almost all dogs ran free, less than 1 percent were fixed, and males far outnumbered females because of the common practice of drowning female pups to prevent surplus litters. Pit bulls during that entire 30-year span killed nine people. Dobermans killed two, one in 1955, one in 1960, and that created the lasting image of the Doberman as a dangerous breed.

Since 2010, we have averaged more than 30 fatalities per year from pit bulls alone.

What changed?

In 1960 pit bulls were under 1 percent of the U.S. dog population. By 2000, they were about 3.5 percent, and now they are 7 percent of dog births, though still only about 3.5 percent of the dog population due to excessively high mortality, mostly through shelter surrenders and impoundments.

PETA is right: It is time to stop breeding pit pulls and time to mandate sterilizing them, since only about 20 percent are sterilized now, compared to 70 percent-plus for all other dogs.

Merritt Clifton
Investigative Reporter and Editor